Ask and you will receive, with one condition…
“If you remain in Me and My words remain in you [that is, if we are vitally united and My message lives in your heart], ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you.”
John 15:7 AMP
I love what this verse says, it is a beautiful promise, it speaks that what we ask will be given to us, but this is accompanied by a condition, and of course it says that if we remain united to Him and faithful to His word, He will grant what we ask.
Being united to God implies many things; It implies being filled with the holy spirit and living in constant communion with the Father, in prayer at all times, and when I speak of “at all times” it is not to be at all times raising a Mass-type prayer (Hail Mary or Our Father), I speak to be in constant communication.
Having a fluid relationship like when you talk with your partner or your mother, you come with that confidence knowing that you can pour yourself out talking and you will be heard and you will not be judged, knowing that there is a solid relationship and that immediately, after you start that conversation, you will have their full attention.
And it is not that you are going to pray or seek God for the benefit or for what you know He will give you, but because your delight is in being close to the Father at all times and knowing Him, knowing that even if He does not grant what you are Praying for, it is more what that prayer will change in your environment, your being, your interior, and the way you see things around you, than the material it can give you.
Likewise, we must remain faithful to His teaching, with a genuine gospel, based on the word. I love how it says it in this version, it says; "That is, if we are vitally united and His message lives in our hearts."
There are moments when you have such a deep connection with the Lord, that sometimes you don't even have the need to ask Him, because He already knows the desire of your heart and in His mercy He grants it to you, and it is something so special that when it happens you notice it, and sometimes with the simplest things, for example;
When I came from my last trip back to the United States, I told my husband that I was a little disturbed because my seat on the plane was in the aisle, as you know, it is the most uncomfortable seat since the flight attendants are always constantly passing through the aisle And when they pass with the food cart it is even worse.
Well, when I got to the airport and I was at customer service, the young woman who attended me asked me; “Do you want us to change the seat to one with more space on a window? It has no additional cost, you just have to agree to be of help at during evacuation if needed ”, I couldn't believe it, and I told her; "Of course," I immediately call my husband and tell him the story. I was very grateful to God, but more than that I was in shock, because I did not present it him that in prayer, however the Lord knew that this was the desire of my heart and he granted it.
My anecdote may seem exaggerated, something so small, but that is exactly what it is about, that there is such an intimate relationship that the Lord is pleased and even in the little things in your life He manifests, isn't that beautiful?
Many people use this verse totally out of context, because they only use what suits them, and they say; "Ask and God will give" and they do not have a close relationship with the Father, or let's go further, "Project it in your mind, if you see it you will have it" "if you visualize it you will have it" "if you attract it it will come to you", giving to the mind or to the power of attraction greater power than to the word, as if by our own power or our own desire we could obtain things, Oh, I would like to visualize a million dollars and wake up seeing it in my bank account!
When in the word he speaks that "what we ask will be given to us" without a relationship or a communication?, do not believe that what God gives you will come by magic, God will present opportunities that will lead you to the destination you want, ACCORDING TO HIS WILL, God will not give nothing that is outside of the plans He has for you, absolutely nothing, no matter how much you visualize it, no matter how much you want it, no matter how much you pray and ask for it.
This verse specifies, "if you remain united to me" that means, that even what we ask for, will be aligned with his will, because we will have such a strong connection with God, that his dreams will be our dreams and his desires will be our desires and his will, will be our will.