Be free (Part 1)
Lately I have come across something so worrying, or at least it is for me, perhaps for some it could be something normal, or they have seen it so much that it no longer surprises them. The point is that I have had conversations in recent months, with people who do not know or feel, or recognize that they need Christ, and for that matter, do not believe they need salvation or forgiveness of sin, they consider that they are good people just for the fact that they have not killed anyone, or stolen, or hurt anyone on purpose, some even claim to have salvation, without even having the knowledge about salvation through Christ, or even having confessed him as a savior, just because of how " good” they are.
Some even deny the existence of hell, and alleging that what is done here is paid here, and that they do not believe that God is going to punish anyone for anything, that "God is good" they say, and it is true that He is, but In the bible says that apart from the fact that God is love, He is also “a consuming fire”. They consider themselves as children of God, without knowing the adoption through the blood of Christ, by which we are called children of God.
In Romans 3:23 KJV it says; "Because all have sinned, they fall short of the glory of God."
I have seen myself on several occasions, in this time more than ever, in the task of preaching to people who do not want to be preached (they think they do) and are curious to know about God, they ask you questions trying to understand and the search for God towards them is so noticeable, but they are blind and immersed in lies, they are slaves of a sin that they do not even know they possess, and when you talk to them about it they do not want to hear the truth, the saddest thing about this is to see how instead of attending to the call of God, they prefer to avoid fatigue and continue their lives and ignore the call.
In John 8:32 DHH95PC says; "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
They will know the truth, but what truth? To know the truth is to know the love of God that is revealed through Jesus to save humanity, freeing it from the slavery of sin.
But what if you still listening don't believe? What if even being preached your ears do not hear and your eyes do not see? I must confess that God's plans are mysterious to me, as is the way He works at times. I have seen and heard how God calls certain people, and yet these people do not come to his feet, and sometimes when I am filled with frustration seeing how they do not convert to Christ or I externalize it to another person, I always hear the same thing , “it is the Holy Spirit who convicts of sin”, but the matter is the following; I know that! In the word itself it says so, but what about what I said earlier? People that I have seen how God has called them, and I wonder; Why, even when it is God himself who calls them, why they do not convert?
These people have had experiences that can only come from God, they have received word, miracles, prophecies, coincidences that are not coincidences, they are rather causalities created by God, and how is it that they continue around the world with that rebellion? Knowing that God calls them and they prefer to act dum.
I have prayed about this seeking to understand, I have even examined my ability to preach, not forgetting that it is the Holy Spirit who converts, and you know what? A word came to my mind, and it is about the scriptures, when Judas sells Jesus for 30 silver coins; he feels guilt and remorse and instead of repenting, he lashes out at his own life by hanging himself, condemning himself to eternal fire.
Judas was with Jesus day and night, WITH THE MESSIAH! Judas ate, slept, and walked with Jesus for 3 long years, and that wasn't enough for him to repent? He witnessed all His miracles and prodigies, but being a witness to miracles and even living them in own flesh does not convert anyone, not even the most eloquent preaches, it is like the one who does not look at the hand of the one who feeds him so as not to have to thank later.
“You study the scriptures very carefully, because you hope to find eternal life in them; however, although the Scriptures testify about me, you do not want to come to me to have that life.” John 5:39-40 DHH94PC
In this verse says it clear, how many words, how many preaches, how many miracles are enough to witness to repent? And the word is not wrong when it says; "Many are called and few are chosen", God gives us all the same opportunity to enter His kingdom, absolutely everyone is given the opportunity to be saved, however, there are few who truly have a willing heart.
They become the same thing they worship, because their heart is in the world and in the things of the world and they only seek Christ for what Christ offers, not because in truth they want to meet Him; they have eyes and do not see, they have mouth and do not speak, they have ears and do not hear, they have feet and do not walk, their hearts are full of vanity and a sense of self-sufficiency, which does nothing but lead them away from God.
King David himself said; "Your eyes saw my embryo, and all those things that were later formed were written in your book, without missing one of them." psalms 139:16
God knew from before the foundation of the world who I was, what the color of my eyes would be like, the waves of my curls, and my scandalous laugh, God knew that I would be His daughter, but it happens that I did not know it, nor did who preached to me, just as I have no way of knowing who is chosen by God and who is not, for this reason it is necessary that the gospel is preached to all, so that those who belong to Him, listen to the gospel and be saved in it’s time.
“In the beginning there was already the Word; and he who is the Word was with God and was God. He was in the beginning with God. Through him, God made all things; nothing that exists was made without him. In him was life, and life was the light of humanity. This light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not been able to extinguish it.” John 1:1-5 DHH94PC
Not too long ago, I had a little dispute with someone about what was right and what was not, what was appropriate and what was not, whether God considered such a thing to be sin or not, and it is worth mentioning that this person was not agree at all with what I answered, that person asked me if God considered a certain type of street dance to be a sin, that dance where women turn on their backs with little clothing or very tight clothing to move in ways that only should be done in intimacy with your partner. When I replied with something that person did not like or did not agree with, the conversation became awkward, and that person changed their perception of me, I felt it immediately, and not that I care what people think of me, but Immediately a person changes their perspective on you, then it becomes more difficult even to preach to them, but do you know what the main problem is? When you give them answers they don't want to hear.
Where I want to get to is; the values of the human being are so corrupted that people, mainly youth, do not know the difference between what is morally correct and what is not, unfortunately we are in a time where people no longer know the difference between the good and the "not so obviously" bad.
"Thus then, through one man sin entered the world and through sin death entered, and thus death spread to all because all sinned." Romans 5:12 DHH94PC
I have seen people who are very intelligent and studied, they like to read and retain a lot of information, but in the end, they use that information not to know more about God, but to contend and become wise in their own wisdom, which is vain and fleeting, because it does not come from God, then, is it really wisdom or is it rather foolishness?
There are so many who read the bible in search of answers, as if the bible had some kind of magic potion, and no matter how much they read they don't understand, or take the literal meaning and only use it to contend, and instead of having a transformation of life, they become religious, defenders of their own reasoning, because they are not asking for the guidance of the Holy Spirit at the moment of reading the scriptures, either because they do not know, or because they are too full of human wisdom.
People who look for all kinds of literature to support their own way of believing or living, or to justify why they are not Christian, read even the Koran in search of the real religion, how to contradict it and look for stories between different religions to look for similarities, matter of seeking what in their reasoning they consider "the truth", they believe they are wiser than the wise, but in reality they become fools in their "coarse" knowledge.
“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching and rebuking, for correcting and educating in a life of righteousness, so that the man of God may be qualified and completely prepared to do all kinds of good.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17 DHH94PC
In the Spiderman movie (away from home) there was a line between the villain and Peter Parker, where Peter asked the villain (Mysterio) why he did what he did, and his answer was; “people need to believe, and nowadays, they believe anything”, and this is a hard reality to see.
People are in need, they feel an emptiness which they seek to fill but they do not understand with what, and by not understanding they seek whatever it is that fills them, many people cling to their hobbies or conspiracy theories or cling to a person or something material, they even believe in extraterrestrials, however none of this will fill them, the human being is designed with a single purpose and that is to worship God and serve Him, and it is the only thing that could fill that existential void, as long as you are outside of the purpose for which you were created, you will continue to feel empty.
Nowadays they are making their lives too complicated looking for answers, they refuse to follow rules, so they don't want to congregate or be part of a specific church or "convert" to a religion, they are afraid of commitment, of a membership, to receive follow up calls from the churches to preach to them, because they want to seek God in their own way, and they feel tired of so much propaganda inside the churches, because they feel that they convert you to a religion, and that they teach the rules of the congregation and the liturgy before teaching about what they are looking for, and in some cases this could be true, but the main problem eradicates that they seek man and not God, they only make a change of idols, not of heart.
Some even prefer to believe anything as long as it is not in God as such because it is easier for them, without compromise. They believe in crystals and energy, or in the universe, fill their houses with incense, light candles, use eucalyptus to cleanse the air or their chakras, they believe in horoscopes and in the mystical, before believing in the bible, they even light candles for the divine child and say prayers to him, but that is it, there is no conviction, there is no change of life, after having lit their candles and their incense continue in their crimes and sins.
But you know what? This is about salvation, it is about receiving the greatest gift ever given, it is about receiving the love of the Father through Christ Jesus, they find the process difficult, when in reality it is simpler than it seems, the only thing What is required is to believe, and they already believe, but what they believe will only bring them death, and they do not come to the true source of the water of life.
If you have already made the decision, if when you accepted Christ as your Lord and savior, it was genuine, then God himself will put the seed in your heart so that doing good and doing his will is born from you, when you are truly saved, You are afraid of failing God, an insatiable desire comes to you to seek Him and be close to the Father, you hunger and thirst for Him, but when the conversion is NOT real, then the story is different. I have seen how many make the confession of faith from the mouth out, and return to their daily lives as if nothing had happened, as if God were someone to fool, they believe they can mock him and they do it just to silence their consciences at the time, but they are still the same people as always, because it was never genuine, it was never from the heart.
If you are a Christian and you read me, do not give up doing the will of God, do not get tired of preaching his word, even when you see rejection, even when there are people who stop talking to you or walk away from you, and they consider you crazy, keep going fighting the good fight of faith, even when in your knowledge no one is converted, you will know that you will be pleasing the Father and doing His will, and remember this; “so will my word be that proceeds from my mouth; it will not return to me empty, but will do what pleases me, and fulfill what I sent it for.” Isaiah 55:11 KJV.
Our job is to obey and sow the seed, the rest is the Lord's job, not ours.
If you are not a Christian and you read me, I exhort you to come to repentance, in the word it says; “As it is written: There is none righteous, not even one; There is no one who understands, There is no one who seeks God. They all went astray, together they became useless; There are not". Roman 3:10-12 KJV
Saying this I do not want to tell you that it is impossible, but on the contrary, I want to encourage you, because it is not with your own strength, but rather it is the Holy Spirit who helps you, who transforms, who touches your heart, I know that more than one here of those who read me, have felt or heard God's call in some way, and have ignored it, we as men and women incapable of doing good on our own do not have the power to seek God, but it is He who comes close to us, who whispers in our ear, who calls us, do not turn a deaf ear to that voice that you know you know is God.
“Fight the good fight of faith; do not let eternal life escape, because that is what God called you for and that is why you made a good declaration of faith in front of many witnesses”. DHH94PC
Remember that God is Lord, He is King, Sovereign, counselor, Prince of Peace, but above all those titles, and even many more, He is Father He is your heavenly Father, who loves you and seeks you, seeks to have a personal relationship with you and has given everything for you, don't wait any longer, you don't need more signs or more confirmation, this is the confirmation you were waiting for, heed his call.
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock; If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.” Revelation 3:20 KJV